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EVE Online Gaming Community 


Who are we and what do we do?

Rift Watch is a dynamic and ever-evolving gaming community both in and out of EVE Online. At our core, we prioritize community building and the joy of shared experiences in gaming, no matter how little time you have to play. Within EVE, we are a small yet casual, social high-sec based group with good access to community-run content where players are encouraged to fleet up and fly together while hanging out on our community Discord.

Below, we hope to give you a little insight into who we are and what we do so you can make up your own mind if Rift Watch is the place for you.



Our core aim is to simply enjoy our gaming. For most of us that means getting to hang out with a bunch of good 'interesting' people who we can hopefully form strong bonds and lasting relationships with. 
Always doing our best to be supporting of one another as we work and play, both in and out of game.


Fleet Up!

We feel it's paramount to have the opportunity to play the way we want to play. So while it's not always possible for 'us' to have ready made content at hand to dish out, we allow players in our group to organise and produce the content they desire and then share it with the community. From Homefronts to Missions, ESS raids to Bomber fleets, Escalations to.. well you get the idea.
If you build it they will come (to the event).


Play Times! 

It's always just enough!
Ideally we don't want to burn anyone out so we keep it simple.
Running a couple of dedicated hangout sessions a week 
(typically Mon/Thurs EVEnings ) where we vary our content from week to week and allow each other to create and run fleets (should they wish to) based on content each of us enjoy. 


NPSI Support

By tapping up our local NPSI friends we are able to experience better content, be it NPSI yeet fleets, Incursions or low sec roams. 
We tend to lean on this to supplement our experience so there's almost always something we can do at short notice.

Nobody should have to fly alone!



Frequently working towards and helping each other experience content so we can boost standings, knowledge, ISK and enjoyment.
We are happily open to the idea of running, bumbling and learning our way through most of what eve has to offer and looking for exciting new
ways to play.


Faction Warfare / PvP

We actively engage in 'beginner friendly' PvP together. This can be via roams, yeets or Faction Warfare and with 'Direct Enlistment' now a thing there is no more need to mess around in FW specific corps anymore.  You can unlock a world of PVP possibility with us if that's what drives you and there has never been a better time to dive in and try it out!

About Us

Rift Watch is a small gaming community with a passion for enjoying the limited amount of free time we actually get to ourselves. Our community outside of eve consists of about 20-30 casual nerdy members who enjoy several activities together including gaming, movie nights, DnD and other tabletop games. We can be found relaxing and socialising most of the time on the group Discord on pretty much any given evening.


You are here for our EVE nerds though! 

A little over a year ago some old returning vet player decided to drag a small bunch of RWG rookies into Eve Online and hook them up to a slow addictive drip of dopamine and the rest is history.

Now we have a Corp, some ships, a few big guns and some even bigger ideas but we lack "friends".

Our group formed in 2022 with the intention of playing casually but... well you know how that goes...
Right now we are still a small yet social bunch consisting of around 6-8 players, a handful of sporadic 'filthy casuals' as well as our alts and alter egos. All somewhere in our 20s and 30s and 40s currently grouping up on a couple of dedicated nights per week (Mon/Thurs) and then more casually for the rest of the time. This does mean that we are not the biggest or busiest corp out there (and we don't really intend to be either) but we like it that way. We prefer to think of ourselves less of a corp though and more of a group. Outside of the standard game nights I think most of the guys (family permitting) are more than happy to drop in when the need arises and we want to build on that. With a few more engaged and active members in the community we hope it could give us a little spark to try new things and play on different evenings.. Cheeky Tuesdays anyone?! Either way though regardless of those of us that are currently logged in to eve online as it stands, we are always just a @tag away on Discord.

So what about in-game? Well,  we can often be found delving into the usual content such as mission running, escalation hunting, gas huffing, low sec roaming, WH exploration, faction warfare, homefronts and a smattering of NPSI community content each week. Whatever we fancy getting our teeth into to be honest. It's all played out in a relaxed, no-pressure kind of way, most of the time hanging out on the group Discord, joking around, chatting and often blaming Silencer and his chicken obsession (KFC) every time we lose a ship (yeah.. that has happened). We enjoy a bit of banter and a good social gathering as we play EVE but also our Discord is our social hub for downtime outside of EVE too. Our guys happily kick back and chat while casually playing some Deep Rock, Rocket League, Phasmophobia or whatever. We are not always space nerds 24/7....

In EVE we are mostly EU based with a couple of night owls and anime nerds on the Discord to keep the crew going but we are very much open to friends from all over. As long as you see yourself as social, friendly and relaxed and have an interest in helping the rest of us enjoy our free time a little more. then you would be more than welcome.

We are currently looking to bring a couple of fresh faces into the group (maybe 2 - 4 players at the moment) who have an interest in being a part of a small yet growing group while helping to create something fun and memorable for all to enjoy. If you are active and social and seeking a smaller group then we may just well be a good fit for you.

Should you wish to join then keep in mind that our usual playtimes are EU evenings and you will typically find the majority of us around somewhere between 17:00 and 23:00 eve time. Daytimes are quiet but there is sporadic activity. Our dedicated evenings (Mon and Thurs) don't always have a solid plan and sometimes RL things come up but by and large we try to stick to it and plan around events being set for those days.

Should you be interested in joining us, sling an in-game mail to
Bookmiester or Silencer-UK and we will get back to you within 24 hours.


The Team

Dedication. Expertise. Passion.

This is the space we should use to introduce the founding and core members that you may be joining in this Corp, but nobody could think of anything smart to say here so I am just going to leave this pointless message here for you! 

Distinguished Members

Why Join Rift Watch  -  The TL;DR 

A beginner friendly Corporation!

  • Eve is a big scary game with a lot to learn, that's fine! We will help mentor you and get you taking your first steps in the game while allowing you to pick your own path to glory without smothering you or expecting too much! Our prime directive is to allow you to make your own mistakes but give you the guidance you need when you want it and hopefully mold you in to a solid member of the team!

Supportive social group! 

  • We grow together, succeed together, and often die together. We will always try to have your back and we understand the importance of making friends in a game like Eve. For us it's just as important to have a good solid social group as it is to 'win'. It's no fun being the best if you have no friends to share the spoils with. We are active Discord users both in and out of game and are looking for the same in return.

We haven't completed the game yet! 

  • Unlike most Corporations in Eve Online, we have not been around forever and we still have so much to discover. Our adventures are only just beginning and this is our 2003! You will be joining a group that still gets excited by the game and still have so much more potential to discover. Yes we have veterans that can help guide us along the way but by and large we are all too old to remember how we played in 2006 so every day has a chance of being a new adventure.

Work with us to create something new!

  • When all is said and done, this is still a very new corp with 'newbro' friendly ideas and plenty of opportunities to carve out our names in this little space game. Don't just hang on for the ride, be by our side and create something with us. Help shape the direction of the adventures we all go on and carve out a story you would be proud to tell your grandkids one day! Be proactive and get involved and make your monthly sub count!


Q: Why do you only play twice a week?

We actually play a lot more than that but our little group decided to set 2 dedicated evenings aside each week so we can fend off the spouse with "... but it's Eve night darling, the guys are all waiting for me.." 
It just gives us something to look forward to on a set evening without burning out but we all play sporadically across the rest of the week too.
Most of the content we do still ends up being Mon-Fri evenings. Weekends are notoriously quiet for us while people are dragged away from the PC to interact with the family, touch grass, and in general just do real life stuff.
Some of the NPSI community content that our guys partake in happens outside of our usual Monday and Thursday sessions.

Q: What are the short and long term goals for the corp?

These are ever-changing and dependent on the entire team but as of right now it's just to give ourselves a chance to breathe new life into the group after a long and hard winter. Some of our members have had some pretty tough RL issues to deal with over the last couple of months and it's made us realise that while we love being a small group, when 1 or 2 of us are missing it can sometimes hit us hard and at the end of the day we all just ant to play when we can. Most of us met over the last year or so in EVE and we have really been enjoying the company so we want to keep that going and build on what we have. Now we feel comfortable in it being a good time to open the doors and invite a couple more socials into our group.

Long term.. pfft, going forward we have a long term goal of increasing our player count ready for the bigger things like incursions and wormhole content mainly because we are at a stage now where its most fun for us to play in fleets.
We are still taking it slow though as It's also important for us to have the time to gel and get to know any potential new guys so they/you can fit in easily without feeling overwhelmed. 

Goals can be anything that a member of the team just wants a hand with or something a small group of us need to work towards. Previously our goals have included getting ourselves into mining ships, delving into our first small production projects to fund our FW losses, Getting into FW as a team and not getting smashed in the face the whole time, and more recently teaching each other about trading.

Q: Do I need to join the Discord?

Tough one, while we have not made it mandatory yet, we are quite a social bunch and it just makes sense to come and hang out with us on there if you want to get the full RWG experience. No you do not have to talk, you are more than welcome to lurk a little until you are comfortable but once you get to know us I'm sure you will fit right in. We are all pretty easy going and everyone is super friendly..

We have previously had players join us who applied and joined us but didn't get stuck in with voice coms and I think they struggled to find their place and stay active. Sadly there's not much we can do for players like that. 
Our door is open, the bar is stocked and theres plenty of room. Put on your big-boy/girl pants, take the plunge and commit to using Discord and I guarantee you will feel like one of us in no time at all.

Honestly, an evening on there and you will be fine. We are very chill, laugh at our own mistakes and don't allow for fostering toxic behaviour (as an entire discord rule).

Q: Why are you recruiting so few?

Quality over quantity for sure. We are currently a small team and we wouldn't want to oversaturate our corp with too many new players at once and lose that sense of small team camaraderie. It's not good for us as a team or for you as a new recruit so we would prefer to be able to take the time to get to know new players.

In the long run, as our community grows and we feel we are able to take players in, mentor them and still keep up with the day to day stuff then we may re-evaluate our recruitment drive to bring in more players. For now we are just looking to welcome players that really want to join us for.. well.. us.

Q: What are you looking for in players you recruit?

We like social players! This is not a solo game and it can sure as hell get cold and lonely when nobody is around to talk to. Ideal candidates will be active with us on Discord to get the most out of what we offer. Don't worry if you're initially shy or reserved; we have a friendly and welcoming atmosphere (and we promise not to bite too hard).

Our knowledge is flawed and our mistakes are often, but we are all learning and trying to have fun. We embrace the fact that we all make mistakes (mostly Rob) and have room for improvement (also Rob).
We are looking for those that want to join in with the 'fuck it let's just try it out' mentality and those who are willing to explore new horizons with enthusiasm. 

That being said, theres nothing more refreshing than a member willing to roll up their sleeves, take initiative and get involved instead of being spoon-fed content. We will mentor when asked and help out when we can but those with ambition who can lead by example are looked upon very favourably as there's always jobs to be done to help the entire team move forward.



Q4: Nov-Dec 2022

Corp Founding

Q1-2: Spring/Summer 2023

Learning and Expanding

Q3-4: Autumn/Winter 2023

The Perfect Summer

Q1-: Jan-March 2024

New Recruits! 

A couple of months into our EVE journey, we founded Rift Watch Corp from our extended Discord community. While EVE wasn't everyone's cup of tea and not all of those we pressganged into the game made it through the 'tutorial' months (as expected) we soon get the ball rolling and Rift Watch becomes an active little group for us to play in.

The space nerds have assembled!

By Christmas, we were fully immersed in learning the game. 'Ventures' became a priority fleet for us, while our newly created PvP alts joined Faction Warfare to sharpen their combat skills

The early months of 2023 were slow, but our pilots soon reached the level of skill and competence to fly the corporation's first command ships. This was a game-changer, boosting both our mining and combat operations, and the ISK started to flow!

We also cautiously opened our doors to external recruitment for the first time, bringing in a couple of new members to the group. We spent the following month building camaraderie and enjoying the game as a group

The Spring also saw us make a strategic decision to broaden our in-game presence by relocating to a new region so we can fend more for ourselves and also give us some quick access to some low sec opportunities.

Faction Warfare
becomes more of a weekly thing that we start to enjoy as a group so we focus a little on sharpening our frigate and hunting skills.

The momentum continues as we actively start to participate alongside our NPSI community friends. We devote more time to understanding fleet roles, scouting, FC training and in general just learning to do a little more than run abyssals or missions. While there's still progress to be made, these efforts have expanded our fleet possibilities for the future and we have a good run through autumn with some solid fleets. We learn how to raid ESS's in 0.0, hone our tactics for FW and just generally tinker around with a few silly fleets for fun.

We make the run up to Christmas with a good group of players and round the year off with an epic Christmas party on Discord with plenty of fun and games.

After a tough (but fun) year we take our foot off the gas to allow everyone a little bit of a Christmas/winter break for a few weeks.

As the group trickles back, we start toying around again with some small fleet nights as a chance for everyone to catch up, but we quickly realise we are now a couple of members down due to some unexpected real life commitments. This gives us an opportunity to bring in a couple of new members, so we make the decision to open the doors for recruitment again with the hope of tempting one or two of you into joining our space nerd family.

And here we are....


Whenever we have specific job openings or are looking to fill our ranks with a certain breed of player, we will post it here for your consideration.

High Priority - General Players (with an emphasis on learning to PvP)

Industry and Production

Attention Industrialists!
While we are not exactly industry gurus yet, our group has space available for a couple of enthusiastic pilots to help us establish and eventually expand an industry and production division for the team. Ideally looking for those with a bit of background knowledge in this sector as your expertise would make a significant impact from day one! 
Initially we are looking to work on producing hulls, fits and consumables for our Faction Warfare nights, but we have a very limited imagination for this kind of thing so there's always chance to grow into something bigger and better.

Embrace the opportunity to shape our industrial future and have a blast while doing it. Let's turn raw resources into glorious creations together!

Boomkiester Bust.png

Attention wannabe Han Solos & Starlords?!
Our main recruitment focus at the moment is around bringing in some fresh and enthusiastic players who will hopefully gel well with the rest of the team, this means we are looking for those who are actively seeking to attend events (when possible) and being present on the discord with us. While we are not a PvP corp as such, we do enjoy frequently joining Faction Warfare and NPSI fleets so ideally you would be interested in joining us on these PvP yeets and roams for the fun of it. Don't worry, we always keep our standings in check and are happy to help you boost or repair yours if needed.

If you have experience in PvP, small or large scale or just a desire to grab a beer, get stuck in with us and lose a couple of cheap ships for the fun of it then we are looking for you!

Lower Priority - Incursion Pilots

Attention, potential brave Incursion pilots!
We are not specifically recruiting just for Incursions but wanted to pop this out there as a potential heads
up for those that may be interested in helping us achieve this goal.
As we expand we are looking to the future towards bigger and better group activities for us to do together. 
We currently have 4-5 pilots looking to train into incursion fit ships and while we're still refining our skills and
have some limited experience participating in incursion fleets our eventual goal is to establish our very own corp fleet
with a regular schedule. 

This is a long-term goal for us to aim for and still in the planning phase but If you share our vision and have incursions on your radar, we warmly welcome you to join our ranks.

So What Now?

Should you still be interested in joining us after reading all of this, sling an in-game mail to Bookmiester or Silencer-UK and we will get back to you within 24 hours.

Also feel free to grab yourself 1 million free skill points from the 'recruit a friend' bonus should you not already have it.
Click the link to the right. It's retroactive for old characters too!

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